Next, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Users tab.
This section of your website contains information about everyone who can login and edit your site, so it’s important for you to understand how it works and why it’s important.
For our purposes, however, we’re only interested in a few basic tasks we can complete to help with your website setup process.
Edit Your Own User Account
Once you click the Users tab you’ll be presented with a list of everyone who has a login for your website (excluding Blue Market network administrators, who can access every website).
Click on your username and scroll through all the settings, adding as much information as you feel is necessary for your site.
Note that everything on this page is for your user account, and will not affect what other people see (i.e. in the color scheme setting) on your website.
Add Other User Accounts
Once you’re satisfied with your own account, you can begin the process of creating other user accounts for your employees.
You can do so by clicking the “Add New” link under the Users tab.
Then, under the “Add New User” section, give the user a username and provide their email.
You will also have to give them a Role in your new website:
For your purposes, you’ll only have to know about five of these Roles:
- Subscriber – Subscribers can only manage their own profile, and cannot edit anything on your website.
- Contributor – Contributors can write and manage their own posts, but cannot publish them to your website.
- Author – Authors can publish and manage their own posts.
- Editor – Editors can publish and manage their own posts, as well as the posts of everyone else on the website.
- Administrator – Administrators have access to all of the features within a single website.
When creating a new user for your business website, it’s often best to organize these users into a hierarchy based on what information and privileges they need to have access to.
For example, you should never give an employee administrative access to your website if all they have to do is write posts for your blog.
Note that Blue Market administrators have Super Admin privileges for every website on our network, and can manage the nitty-gritty of your website.