Next, you should brainstorm the exact pages you’ll need for your new site.
If you chose to build your website from one of our templates your site will come pre-installed with a few necessary pages (such as a Home page and a Contact page).
If you choose to build your site using our Blank Website Template (or if your template doesn’t come with a specific page you need) you can create the necessary pages using the “Add New” link under the Pages tab.
Importantly, all sites should generally include the following:
- Home
- Privacy Policy
- Contact
- About Us
- Services / Product / Menu (for Restaurants) / Etc.
While you can provide some of this content on the home page (such as “About Us” information or a contact form), all sites must include a separate Privacy Policy page at the barest of minimums.
Note that we’re just creating the pages in this step, and you don’t have to fill in any content on these pages.
Instead, we’re just adding them so we have some links to use in our main navigation menu and so we can update a few basic settings below.